Tuesday, January 30, 2007

cue this up

The common thread that ties this organization is the simple fact that we have at one time DJ'd over the air of this area, and out onto the world wide web.
Here is another sort of DJing. Of course, this is nothing new to us. To modern music history however, it is a relatively new development. This half human/ half machine manipulation of music had such appeal that a Master of Ceremonies had to be added, and the rest is what we know of since our akward middle school (grind?) dances. The foundation for this music wasn't laid at a Bar-mitzvah however, but on the streets of South Bronx (which also happens to be home to Yankee Stadium-yeah the baseball hat thing). In this day in age it is my beleif that this craft has been trivialized and very under-appreciated. DJs in music videos might as well have be replaced by a paint spill on the green screen, as they were added quite literally as a prop (take the time to actually watch what they do). Anyways, when I cyber-stumbled upon this video on the information superhighway, I was pretty blown away. There are a kazillion videos like this, and thanks to what Time refers to as the year of 'You,' us can see this in it's true fashion. this is a 'prestigous ' dj competition from sometime before now. Enjoy.

much adulation,

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